Baked Turkey

Baked Turkey

Servings (12 people)


  • 1 turkey, 12 to 15 lbs.
  • 12 cloves of garlic, crushed
  • 3 tablespoons of pepper
  • 2 tablespoons of salt
  • 1 stick of butter at room temperature
  • 2 teaspoons minced or crushed garlic
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1½ tablespoons of sofrito
  • 1 tablespoon of marinade
  • 1 envelope of seasoning with annatto
  • 1 cup cooking wine (optional)
  • 2 teaspoons of vinegar
  • Oil

Let's prepare this Pacochon!

The first thing we will do is marinate the turkey, which must be thawed, clean and with the skin loose so we can marinate it inside. It is also important to remove the giblets and the neck inside the turkey; you can put these on the baking tray.

To make the marinade that goes inside, put the garlic cloves, salt and two tablespoons of pepper in a bowl, mash them very well and make sure they are mixed. Then, combine this mixture with the butter at room temperature and mix again. When it's ready, spread it between the skin and the breast of the turkey. This will make the breast juicy and with a spectacular flavor. It is important that the marinade is abundant and spread over the breast and thighs of the turkey so as not to lose its flavor.

Now to prepare the marinade that goes on the outside of the turkey, that is, on the skin. Mix two tablespoons of ground garlic, a tablespoon of pepper, a teaspoon of dried oregano, a tablespoon of adobo, an envelope of seasoning with annatto and the oil. This marinade will make the turkey crispy and flavorful on the outside. Make sure to completely cover the turkey. Remember to leave the turkey marinated at least the day before for best results.

Place the turkey in the oven at 350 degrees F for 6 hours, covered with aluminum. Before cooking, you can remove the aluminum to brown the skin of the turkey.

Enjoy it at the holidays accompanied by your family and friends! Enjoy!

Filling Options

Mashed Yuca for Turkey Stuffing


  • 2 pounds of boiled or fried yucca
  • 4 or 6 cloves of crushed garlic
  • ½ cup butter
  • 1 pinch of salt

Let's prepare it!

Mash the cassava in a pestle or masher after boiling or frying, be sure to remove the stems. Add the garlic and butter to continue mashing little by little. Make sure it is very wet, since cassava dries out when you use it as a filling. Use little or no salt, as the seasonings are absorbed by the marinated turkey. This is a stuffing that is put into the turkey after it has been marinated, try to sew it so that it remains closed while it cooks in the oven!! Enjoy!!



  • 6 green bananas, chopped into pieces
  • 4 or 6 cloves of crushed garlic
  • ½ cup butter
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 or 2 bags of pork rinds (optional)
  • 1 cup of chicken broth already prepared
  • Marinade to taste

Let's prepare it!

Fry the banana pieces for at least about 4 minutes so you have to fry them in separate portions then take them out. Mash the bananas with a pestle or masher. Add the garlic, butter and marinade. Also, add the chicken broth to give it a moist touch, continue mashing little by little and add the pieces of chicharrón (if you want to add it). Make sure it is very wet since mofongo dries out when used as a filling. Use little or no salt, since the seasonings are absorbed by the marinated turkey!! This is a stuffing that is put into the turkey after it has been marinated, try to sew it so that it remains closed while it cooks in the oven!! Enjoy!!


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